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Friday, January 22, 2010

How to shoot a basketball

To learn how to shoot a basketball correctly, one must put a lot of time, effort, and practice forth at the gym, or anywhere else that there is a basketball and hoop ready.

1) Square up. Feet should be shoulder width apart, heels to toes should point to the basket. This is important, and many people mess up what could be a beautiful shot, by pointing their toes somewhere other than toward the hoop.

2) See the basket. Look at the basket (Duh!)

3) Imagine your shot. Imagine the path of the ball leaving your hand, into the basket. Think about what arc you think should be necessary for your shot. Do not concentrate too much, it has been shown that over-thinking a shot can be the cause for a miss.

4) Wind your body. Make a slight bend in the legs, should make a 70 degree angle, more or less. Bring your arms holding the ball, dominant hand on top, in the case of a right hander, thumb should point halfway straight, halfway to the left, we will call it 10 o' clock. Dominant hand has spread fingers. Other 'wimp' hand should be on (in this case left) the side of the ball, just holding it steady. Bring the ball above the head, if properly done, it should be one motion. Now, the arm, elbow, wrist, and hand should be at 90 degree angles.

5) Take the shot. With an explosive movement with the legs to provide some power, extend the forearm and snap the wrist.

Hopefully, at this point you have made the shot. If not, try again, eventually you will be able to make the majority of your field goals (shots within the 3-point line)